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From student to young professional: What to expect
17th March 2017 | Job Hunting

When fresh out of university it can be incredibly daunting as you peer around the door to working life. The start of your career is an exciting time, but it’s important to know what to expect as you transition from full time student to a young professional.
So, here are our top 3 tips on making that switch from student pjs and last minute lectures to a valued member of staff.
Be prepared to build your student stamina
Who’d have known that day-to-day work doesn’t include time for a nap or an episode of Netflix? University opens students up to a wide range of opportunities, with projects often switching all the time. While you may have found time between lectures for a trip to Sprinkles, that isn’t quite as easy in working life (sorry!). Not every job is full of as much variety. You’ll need to run the race like a marathon to ensure you set the pace for working on those longer projects.
Be adaptable
One of your challenges in a work environment will be to adapt to working with a wide range of people. As a student to young professional, you may find yourself working with people of all ages and backgrounds. Watch and learn alongside your new working team to find out what works best. While you might stroll in on your first day full of energy and raring to go, be sensitive to those around you who have their own workload and priorities.
Get ready to become a management pro
You’ll quickly find yourself learning to manage upwards, spotting issues and suggesting solutions to your managers. Naturally, you may seek opportunities to improve how you and your colleagues work, even when it’s not necessarily your direct responsibility. Think ahead: What do you want to take away from your new role? What would you write on your CV about it?
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