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Follow in Harry and Meghan’s footsteps:
13th January 2020 | Career AdviceMotivational

As we say farewell to 2019 and HELLO to 2020, it is no secret that this time of the year is the busiest and is one of the best times to find a new job – if our most loved Harry and Meghan can do it the world is surely your oyster!!
Last year was a busy time for us at YourRecruit as we placed a record numbers of candidates into new positions and there is no sign of the market slowing down in 2020, in fact quite the opposite.
As candidates look for new opportunities and Employers look to grow their businesses, here are some top tips to help you on your way:
Top 5 tips for candidates in 2020 looking for a new position:
- New Year, new CV: New Year’s resolutions – take time to update your CV – this is what reaches the eyes of the hiring managers before you do, so make sure all information is up to date and relevant.
- Know what you want: Take the time to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses and the type of work that you enjoy doing, again, the better you know yourself, the more likely it is your find a new job that provides you with greater satisfaction.
- Be Proactive: Don’t wait for jobs to come to you, reach out and find the jobs, register with agencies, sign up to job boards and make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date – you don’t want to miss out so don’t be afraid.
- Don’t hold out for one position: Put yourself out there; get your CV to different places rather than just the one you are holding out for! Don’t put all your eggs in one basket; explore the market and you will be able to make a well-rounded decision.
- Fail to prepare, prepare to fail: Before you attend your interview, make sure you have done your research on the company, develop responses for common interview questions- practice them. You can never be too prepared for an interview, and the more prepared you are, the more comfortable you’ll be.
Top 4 tips for employers in 2020:
- Use a specialist agency: this will save you time and will give you access to the more suitable and best calibre of candidates on the market.
- Don’t hold off from interviewing: it is a candidate driven market and this way you will avoid losing out on the best candidates. A common mistake we see from employers is waiting too long to interview candidates! If you like a candidate do not wait around, arrange the interview and meet them before someone snaps them up!
- Be as flexible as possible when arranging interviews: Try to be as flexible as possible. We often see employers lose out on their preferred candidates because of this. The more senior the candidate, the more demanding their work schedule is, so avoid missing out due to timelines – if possible, provide both in and out of hours.
- Make competitive offers: Candidates in most cases look for a new position because they want some sort of promotion/career development so ensure your offer is competitive within the market to prevent missing out!!
Looking for a job, trying to employee the very best talent, whatever the need, YourRecruit are here to help – get in touch today on 01883 330336 to speak to a dedicated, experienced and extremely helpful Consultant.